About Me

Hello, and thanks for visiting my website! 🎉🎉🎉


I am a proud dad to two mad kids that I love more than anything. And my wife Olivia who is the best person I've ever met.


I currently work as a data engineer working at Companies House. In terms of work, I love being creative and learning new things so programming turned out to be the perfect job for me. I really like being in a job where there is always a way to learn new things and solve new problems.

I am also currently studying part-time for an MSc in Software Development at Queen's University Belfast.

Outside of work and family, I like football, poker (used to be my job), and tennis. I also like writing too, which is mainly why I decided to make this blogging website.

I am originally from the south-east of England and moved to Belfast in 2020, It has definitely been quite isolating moving to a new place with family life and working from home. But I'm hoping to try and be a bit more social going forward.

If you've any feedback at all, please feel free to contact me at the social media links at the bottom of the site.
